Happy Fall semester 2024!
We're having one last interest meeting on Monday, September 9th from 8:00-9:00pm on Zoom! Link here. We're also having our first GBM in Chapman 201 on Wednesday, September 11th from 6:00-7:00pm. We will welcome our new members with a short introduction to CCA followed by a presentation by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) – a nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to oversee the world's largest bone marrow registry. NMDP is a global nonprofit leader in cell therapy, helping find cures and save lives for patients with blood cancers and disorders. We will also be hearing from Dr. Paul Armistead, an MD/PhD physician/scientist from UNC and director of UNC's Bone Marrow Transplant Program to speak about new and exciting research in this field!
Our Mission
The goal of the Carolina Cancer Association is to contribute to both the healthcare and cancer-oriented communities by promoting meaningful involvement in academia and volunteerism, spreading awareness about cancer and its extensive direct and indirect effects, and fundraising for national non-profits to make a sustainable impact in our community.
We serve as a platform that presents undergraduate students with opportunities to:
1) Immerse themselves in scientific and cancer-related research
2) Gain exposure to the medical field through volunteer positions at UNC Hospitals
3) Contribute to meaningful community service organizations, such as the American Cancer Society.
Contact Us!
Please email us at cca@unc.edu to get connected with our executive board and hear more about our organization.